Excellence in Astrophysics

08 November 2023

The annual UCLO prize was awarded at the Livery Dinner.

Ms Leonor Negalho Lisboa Simoes has shown an outstanding performance in all modules undertaken at UCL Observatory (UCLO) during her time as an Astrophysics undergraduate at UCL. Leonor’s engagement and enthusiasm as a student were noted from when she first joined UCL, while teaching was badly impacted by the Covid pandemic — Leonor’s positive and enthusiastic engagement during the online teaching was obvious; and when UCLO reopened in the following year, she was exemplary in her commitment to classes and observation sessions using UCLO telescopes. 


In her modules taken at UCLO, Leonor has demonstrated an excellent grasp of concepts in astronomical instrumentation and astrophysical data, and strong coding skills, going on to apply these skills in undertaking accurate photometric measurements of a recent supernova, amongst other targets, using data obtained from robotic telescope facilities. Her academic work at UCLO has shown a fine attention to detail in scientific measurement, and strong contextual understanding of the science in citing a wide literature. 


Leonor was also the recipient of the 2022 Huggins’ Prize for the best performance in 2nd-year Astrophysics within the Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. 


To recognise her academic achievement and strong personal engagement at UCLO, Leonor Negalho Lisboa Simoes was a worthy recipient of the UCL Observatory Clockmakers’ Prize 2023.