Master In The Wild

22 June 2021

The Master and Mistress Clockmaker emerged from the world of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions last month to attended their first live events representing Clockmakers'.

The photograph to the right shows the Master and Mistress Clockmaker standing on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral. On Tuesday 22 June 2021, they, together with the Clerk, attended the Lord Mayor’s Service of Thanksgiving to thank those who have played key roles in the  pandemic and to remember those who have died.

Around forty livery masters came together at Apothecaries Hall to process to St Paul’s. The Lord Mayor read, the Bishop of London preached, a medical consultant reflected on his time on the front line, and the choir was in fine voice even though the congregation was not allowed to sing, opening the service with Parry’s I was Glad. It was the first official service held in the cathedral since January 2020.

At the Lord Mayor's Service of Thanksgiving